All About Me!

Look! It's the Sha-Mera!

Hey, there's actually someone here! ^_^ Do forgive me, I'm way too lazy with webpages nowadays. Now, two years ago..... ^^;; Well, you get my picture. I have such a busy life it's unbelievable. Two years ago I wouldn't be able to claim that, but now I've contantly got projects to work on for every single class, outings with my friends that I need to attend.... high school life is weird, ne? Now that I know waaaaaaaaay more people and a lot of older friends I have go to different schools or moved, we nearly never find the time to meet together again. So most of the time I'm out with my friends. Don't blame me about these web pages!

Okay, anyway. ^_^ If I haven't scared you off with my stories and webapges, I'm sure that the paragraph above did. My name is really Daphne (you know.... the Greek wood nymph?) and I really live in sunny southern California. Where the weather is hot as hell, and surf beaches are a bitch because it's all covered in red kelp.

I am 14 years old... (my birthday's on November 8, for anyone who wants to cheer me up and send me a card on that date... ^_^) and go to an overpopulated high school. Not that I mind. I love having so many people there... let's just say I like getting lost in a crowd. I have lots of friends.... (yes, friends. I'm very fortunate to have someone in my school who's crazy about anime and fanfiction. We're trying to innitiate other people into our coven... *cackles*) and love them dearly. I am a *very slow* writer.... as readers might be able to tell. That's 'cause I totally go for leasure reading.

Let's see.... I love anime, fanfiction, music, my friends, candles, miracles, sci-fi, freaky keychains, and smart-ass stickers. ^_^ Yup, that's me in a nutshell. By the way, I'm Wiccan. I can't draw for shit. My laptop's the most valuable thing I own.

(off scene)
[[*grabs laptop and holds it tightly* No, no!! You can't take it away from me!!!!]]

My kinds of music? Well, they do say that music defines the soul.... well, I love all kinds of music, to be truthful. Latest pop and rap, hip-hop, dance.... all the way to Mozart and old Irish folk music. Japanese music is great! (*waves a banner= "J-Pop! Yeah!"*) As I said, I love all kinds of music.

Um... yeah. Anime? Oh, GEEZ, I love anime. CLAMP draws absolutely beautiful mangas.... I love X/1999 as well as Rayearth 1 & 2. Rumiko Takahashi is my very favorite artist. I love Ranma, Inu-Yasha, and the Mermaid Series. O_O. I'll read anything from Rumiko Takahashi, though. I'm into Basara (an old anime) and Evangelion as well as Please Save My Earth and Gundam Wing. As well as almost anything by Watashi Wuu.

My pairings, though, are kinda odd. I have all kinds of pairings. Yes, I think that Serena and Darien are great together... (Um... Usagi and Diamond... ;_; that would be even better.) As well as Chibi-Usa and Elios. I love the thought of Wufei/Meiran and Fuu/Ferio. Lots of het pairings that I think are really cute. But also lots of yaoi pairings, such as HeeroxDuo (^_^!) TasukixNuriko and FuumaxKamui and KaworuxShinji. Oh yeah, I write lots of shounen ai, too. Um, and I think that Duo/Hilde is incesty and Lantis/Hikaru is cradle-robbing... eeep!! Gomen, gomen!! It's the way I think!!! (But c'mon, just *look* at Lantis and Hikaru together!! I swear there's at least four feet between their heights!)

Fanfiction? **What do you think?!** I've been writing fanfiction for about 3 years... since I was 11 years old. Back then I wrote Star Wars... taking a look back at that, it really sucked. I also wrote lots of original stories back then. It really sucked. I still think that my stories suck, but not that bad anymore. I never use a beta-reader, cause that takes too long. I know I need one, but..... well...

As I never mentioned before, I am Chinese. ^^;; I didn't mention that, did I? I also forgot to mention that I have the weirdest yet coolest friends. (Wanda: Have you ever kissed anyone? No? *exaggerated gasp* Is it because you have... *mono*?!?!)

Yes, Wanda. The Tao of Wanda.... 'go with the flow'. ^_^ Aren't you happy I dedicated this part of the page to you?

Oh well. Yeah, I love you too. Besides the times when you're telling me about your experiances with toilets and toenail fungus (turns pale) you're the coolest. And now as a dedication to my friends here.... *takes a deep breath* I'll list everyone right now....

My friends ^_^:
Marissa (my best friend)
Christine C. (very close second)
Wanda (ranks up with Christine. ^_^)

Um, guys? I'm sorry, I haven't really been hanging with guys lately... I have guy friends, though. And Morgan, yes, I think you're one of the coolest guys I know. ^_^ *gasp* I've never met any guy who doesn't give a damn about his hairstyle!

Okay, I'm really sorry for those I didn't include, 'cause I do have a lot more friends than just that. Those are just the ones I hang out with most.